The Caryatids of Acropolis in Athens, Greece

by Stefano Senise
The Caryatids of Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Stefano Senise
Photograph - Photo
Porch Of The Caryatids Statues, Erechtleion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece.
The Greek term karyatides(Caryatids) literally means "maidens of Karyai", an ancient town of Peloponnese. Karyai had a famous temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis in her aspect of Artemis Karyatis: "As Karyatis she rejoiced in the dances of the nut-tree village of Karyai, those Karyatides, who in their ecstatic round-dance carried on their heads baskets of live reeds, as if they were dancing plants".
The Romans copied the Erechtheion caryatids, installing copies in the Forum of Augustus and the Pantheon in Rome, and at Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli. Another Roman example, found on the Via Appia, is the Townley Caryatid.
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